Using Mermaid Diagrams

This guide explains how to use Mermaid diagrams in the Floxide documentation.


Mermaid is a JavaScript-based diagramming tool that lets you create diagrams using text and code. It's particularly useful for visualizing:

  • Flow charts
  • Sequence diagrams
  • Class diagrams
  • State diagrams

Example Node Implementation

Here's an example of a transform node implementation in Rust:

use async_trait::async_trait;
use floxide_core::error::FloxideError;

pub struct TransformNode<T> {
    id: String,
    transform_fn: Box<dyn Fn(T) -> T + Send + Sync>,

impl<T: Send + Sync + 'static> Node<T, T> for TransformNode<T> {
    async fn execute(&self, input: T) -> Result<T, FloxideError> {
        // Apply the transformation function
        let output = (self.transform_fn)(input);

    fn id(&self) -> String {

Basic Mermaid Usage

Here's a simple flow diagram showing the transform node's execution:

graph LR Input[Input] --> Transform[Transform Node] Transform --> Output[Output]

Node Types

Here's a diagram showing different node types in Floxide:

graph TD Node[Node] --> Transform[Transform Node] Node --> Timer[Timer Node] Node --> Reactive[Reactive Node] Node --> LongRunning[Long Running Node]

Node Lifecycle

A state diagram showing node lifecycle:

stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Init Init --> Ready Ready --> Running Running --> Complete Running --> Failed Complete --> [*] Failed --> [*]

Best Practices

  1. Keep Diagrams Simple
  2. Focus on one concept per diagram
  3. Use clear labels
  4. Maintain consistent styling

  5. Common Issues

  6. Ensure proper indentation
  7. Use correct arrow types (-->, -->, etc.)
  8. Test diagrams in the live editor
