Using Mermaid Diagrams¶
This guide explains how to use Mermaid diagrams in the Floxide documentation.
Mermaid is a JavaScript-based diagramming tool that lets you create diagrams using text and code. It's particularly useful for visualizing:
- Flow charts
- Sequence diagrams
- Class diagrams
- State diagrams
Example Node Implementation¶
Here's an example of a transform node implementation in Rust:
use async_trait::async_trait;
use floxide_core::error::FloxideError;
pub struct TransformNode<T> {
id: String,
transform_fn: Box<dyn Fn(T) -> T + Send + Sync>,
impl<T: Send + Sync + 'static> Node<T, T> for TransformNode<T> {
async fn execute(&self, input: T) -> Result<T, FloxideError> {
// Apply the transformation function
let output = (self.transform_fn)(input);
fn id(&self) -> String {
Basic Mermaid Usage¶
Here's a simple flow diagram showing the transform node's execution:
graph LR
Input[Input] --> Transform[Transform Node]
Transform --> Output[Output]
Node Types¶
Here's a diagram showing different node types in Floxide:
graph TD
Node[Node] --> Transform[Transform Node]
Node --> Timer[Timer Node]
Node --> Reactive[Reactive Node]
Node --> LongRunning[Long Running Node]
Node Lifecycle¶
A state diagram showing node lifecycle:
[*] --> Init
Init --> Ready
Ready --> Running
Running --> Complete
Running --> Failed
Complete --> [*]
Failed --> [*]
Best Practices¶
- Keep Diagrams Simple
- Focus on one concept per diagram
- Use clear labels
Maintain consistent styling
Common Issues
- Ensure proper indentation
- Use correct arrow types (-->, -->, etc.)
- Test diagrams in the live editor