Event-Driven Workflow Architecture

This guide explains the event-driven workflow architecture in the Flow Framework, as implemented in the temperature monitoring example.


The event-driven workflow pattern is designed to handle asynchronous, unpredictable events and process them through a directed graph of nodes. Unlike traditional request-response workflows, event-driven workflows continue processing indefinitely until a termination condition is met.

Architecture Diagram

┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────────┐
│                 │     │                 │     │                     │
│  Event Sources  │────▶│  Event-Driven   │────▶│  Handler Workflows  │
│  (Sensors)      │     │  Workflow       │     │  (Actions)          │
│                 │     │                 │     │                     │
└─────────────────┘     └─────────────────┘     └─────────────────────┘
                              │                           │
                              │                           │
                              ▼                           ▼
                        ┌──────────────┐          ┌─────────────────┐
                        │              │          │                 │
                        │   Context    │◀─────────│    Feedback     │
                        │  Management  │          │     Loop        │
                        │              │          │                 │
                        └──────────────┘          └─────────────────┘

Temperature Monitoring Example

In the temperature monitoring example, the architecture is implemented as follows:

1. Event Sources

  • Multiple temperature sensors (simulated)
  • Send events to a channel-based event source
  • Events are asynchronous and unpredictable
// Create the event source with a buffer capacity of 100 events
let (source, sender) = ChannelEventSource::new(100);

2. Event-Driven Workflow

  • Receives events from the event source
  • Processes events through a chain of nodes
  • Maintains state between events using context
  • Handles errors and retries gracefully
let workflow = EventDrivenWorkflow::new()
    .node("process_temperature", process_temperature)
    .node("check_threshold", check_threshold)
    .node("alert", alert_handler);

3. Event Classification

  • Analyzes temperature events
  • Categorizes them based on thresholds
  • Returns appropriate actions
// The classifier processes events and returns actions
let classifier = TemperatureClassifier::new(30.0, 10.0, 40.0);

4. Handler Workflows

  • Execute specific actions based on event processing
  • Can spawn additional workflows if needed
  • Report results back to the main workflow
// Add nodes for different temperature classifications
let normal_handler = NormalTempHandler::new();
let high_handler = HighTempHandler::new();
let low_handler = LowTempHandler::new();
let critical_handler = CriticalTempHandler::new();

5. Context Management

The context in event-driven workflows needs to handle:

  • Event history and aggregation
  • State persistence between events
  • Configuration and thresholds
  • Error tracking and recovery state
// The context maintains state across the workflow
struct MonitoringContext {
    temperature_history: HashMap<String, Vec<f32>>,
    alerts: Vec<String>,
    average_temperatures: HashMap<String, f32>,

6. Feedback Loop

The feedback loop enables:

  • Dynamic threshold adjustments
  • Learning from historical data
  • Adaptive event processing
  • System health monitoring

Flow of Events

  1. Event Generation: Sensors generate temperature readings
  2. Event Transmission: Readings are sent to the event-driven workflow
  3. Event Classification: The classifier node categorizes the temperature
  4. Action Routing: Based on the classification, the workflow routes to the appropriate handler
  5. Action Execution: The handler performs the necessary actions
  6. State Update: The context is updated with new information
  7. Continuation/Termination: The workflow continues or terminates based on conditions

Implementation Considerations

When implementing an event-driven workflow, consider the following:

  1. Event Source Design: How events are generated and retrieved
  2. Event Classification Logic: Rules for categorizing events
  3. Action Types: The set of possible actions that can result from events
  4. Routing Logic: How events are routed through the workflow
  5. Termination Conditions: When and how the workflow should terminate
  6. Timeout Handling: How to handle hanging or slow event sources
  7. Context Management: What state needs to be maintained across events

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling
  2. Implement proper error recovery mechanisms
  3. Use retries with exponential backoff
  4. Log errors for debugging and monitoring

  5. State Management

  6. Keep state minimal and focused
  7. Consider persistence for critical state
  8. Use atomic operations when updating state

  9. Performance Optimization

  10. Buffer events appropriately
  11. Use async processing where beneficial
  12. Implement backpressure mechanisms

  13. Testing

  14. Test event sources independently
  15. Mock events for workflow testing
  16. Verify error handling paths
  17. Test state persistence and recovery

  18. Monitoring

  19. Track event processing latency
  20. Monitor queue depths
  21. Set up alerting for anomalies
  22. Log important state transitions

  23. Timeout Handling

  24. Set appropriate timeouts for event processing
  25. Implement deadletter queues
  26. Handle slow event sources gracefully
  27. Clean up resources on timeout

  28. Context Management

  29. Define clear boundaries for context data
  30. Implement proper serialization
  31. Handle context versioning
  32. Clean up stale context data

Integration with Standard Workflows

Event-driven workflows can be integrated with standard request-response workflows:

  1. Use event sources as triggers for standard workflows
  2. Convert workflow results into events
  3. Implement hybrid patterns for complex use cases

Event-driven workflows can be integrated with standard workflows using adapters:

// Create a nested event-driven workflow adapter
let nested_workflow = NestedEventDrivenWorkflow::new(

This allows for combining both synchronous and asynchronous processing patterns.
