Error Handling in Floxide

This guide explains how to handle errors effectively in the Floxide framework.


Floxide provides a comprehensive error handling system that allows you to: - Define custom error types for your nodes - Handle errors at different lifecycle phases - Implement recovery strategies - Maintain type safety

Error Types


The core error type in Floxide is FloxideError:

pub enum FloxideError {

Custom Error Types

You can define custom error types for your nodes:

use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum MyNodeError {
    #[error("Validation failed: {0}")]
    #[error("Processing failed: {0}")]

impl From<MyNodeError> for FloxideError {
    fn from(err: MyNodeError) -> Self {

Error Handling in Nodes

Lifecycle Node Error Handling

impl LifecycleNode<MyContext, DefaultAction> for MyNode {
    async fn prep(&self, ctx: &mut MyContext) -> Result<Self::PrepOutput, FloxideError> {
        match validate_input(ctx) {
            Ok(input) => Ok(input),
            Err(e) => Err(MyNodeError::ValidationError(e.to_string()).into()),

    async fn exec(&self, input: Self::PrepOutput) -> Result<Self::ExecOutput, FloxideError> {
        process_data(input).map_err(|e| MyNodeError::ProcessingError(e.to_string()).into())

    async fn post(&self, output: Self::ExecOutput) -> Result<DefaultAction, FloxideError> {

Transform Node Error Handling

impl TransformNode<Input, Output, MyNodeError> for MyTransformNode {
    async fn prep(&self, input: Input) -> Result<Input, MyNodeError> {
        if !is_valid(&input) {
            return Err(MyNodeError::ValidationError("Invalid input".into()));

    async fn exec(&self, input: Input) -> Result<Output, MyNodeError> {
            .map_err(|e| MyNodeError::ProcessingError(e.to_string()))

    async fn post(&self, output: Output) -> Result<Output, MyNodeError> {

Error Recovery Strategies

Retry Logic

impl MyNode {
    async fn with_retry<T, F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<T, FloxideError>
        F: Fn() -> Future<Output = Result<T, FloxideError>>,
        let mut attempts = 0;
        while attempts < 3 {
            match f().await {
                Ok(result) => return Ok(result),
                Err(e) => {
                    attempts += 1;
                    if attempts == 3 {
                        return Err(e);

Fallback Values

impl MyNode {
    async fn with_fallback<T>(&self, f: impl Fn() -> T) -> Result<T, FloxideError> {
        match self.process_data().await {
            Ok(result) => Ok(result),
            Err(_) => Ok(f()),

Error Propagation

In Workflows

let workflow = Workflow::new(node1)
    .on_error(|e| {
        eprintln!("Workflow error: {}", e);

With Context

impl MyContext {
    fn record_error(&mut self, error: &FloxideError) {
        self.errors.push(ErrorRecord {
            timestamp: Utc::now(),
            message: error.to_string(),

Best Practices

  1. Custom Error Types
  2. Define specific error types for your nodes
  3. Use thiserror for error definitions
  4. Implement From for FloxideError

  5. Error Context

  6. Include relevant context in errors
  7. Use structured error types
  8. Maintain error chains

  9. Recovery Strategies

  10. Implement appropriate retry logic
  11. Use fallback values when suitable
  12. Clean up resources on error

  13. Testing

  14. Test error conditions
  15. Verify error recovery
  16. Check error propagation