Basic Workflow Example

This example demonstrates how to create a simple workflow using the Floxide framework, showcasing proper node lifecycle management and error handling.


In this example, we'll create a workflow that processes text data through multiple stages:

  1. Input validation and preparation
  2. Text transformation (uppercase)
  3. Analysis (character count)
  4. Summary generation

The example demonstrates: - Three-phase node lifecycle (prep, exec, post) - Proper error handling and recovery - Type-safe context management - Node composition patterns


Before running this example, make sure you have the Floxide framework installed. See the Installation Guide for details.


First, let's define our context and error types:

use floxide_core::{lifecycle_node, LifecycleNode, DefaultAction, FloxideError};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct TextContext {
    input: String,
    uppercase: Option<String>,
    char_count: Option<usize>,
    summary: Option<String>,

impl TextContext {
    fn new(input: &str) -> Self {
        Self {
            input: input.to_string(),
            uppercase: None,
            char_count: None,
            summary: None,

#[derive(Debug, Error)]
enum TextProcessingError {
    #[error("Input text is empty")]
    #[error("Input exceeds maximum length of {0} characters")]
    #[error("Processing failed: {0}")]

impl From<TextProcessingError> for FloxideError {
    fn from(e: TextProcessingError) -> Self {

Now, let's create our nodes using the three-phase lifecycle:

// Node that validates and prepares text
struct ValidatorNode {
    max_length: usize,

impl LifecycleNode<TextContext, DefaultAction> for ValidatorNode {
    type PrepOutput = String;
    type ExecOutput = String;

    fn id(&self) -> NodeId {

    async fn prep(&self, ctx: &mut TextContext) -> Result<Self::PrepOutput, FloxideError> {
        if ctx.input.is_empty() {
            return Err(TextProcessingError::EmptyInput.into());

    async fn exec(&self, input: Self::PrepOutput) -> Result<Self::ExecOutput, FloxideError> {
        if input.len() > self.max_length {
            return Err(TextProcessingError::InputTooLong(self.max_length).into());

    async fn post(&self, input: Self::ExecOutput) -> Result<DefaultAction, FloxideError> {

// Node that converts text to uppercase with retry logic
struct UppercaseNode {
    retry_count: usize,

impl LifecycleNode<TextContext, DefaultAction> for UppercaseNode {
    type PrepOutput = String;
    type ExecOutput = String;

    fn id(&self) -> NodeId {

    async fn prep(&self, ctx: &mut TextContext) -> Result<Self::PrepOutput, FloxideError> {

    async fn exec(&self, input: Self::PrepOutput) -> Result<Self::ExecOutput, FloxideError> {
        let mut attempts = 0;
        loop {
            match try_uppercase(&input) {
                Ok(result) => {
                    return Ok(result);
                Err(e) if attempts < self.retry_count => {
                    attempts += 1;
                    tracing::warn!("Uppercase conversion failed, attempt {}/{}: {}", 
                        attempts, self.retry_count, e);
                Err(e) => {
                    return Err(TextProcessingError::ProcessingError(
                        format!("Failed after {} retries: {}", self.retry_count, e)

    async fn post(&self, result: Self::ExecOutput) -> Result<DefaultAction, FloxideError> {

// Node that counts characters with validation
struct CounterNode;

impl LifecycleNode<TextContext, DefaultAction> for CounterNode {
    type PrepOutput = String;
    type ExecOutput = usize;

    fn id(&self) -> NodeId {

    async fn prep(&self, ctx: &mut TextContext) -> Result<Self::PrepOutput, FloxideError> {
            TextProcessingError::ProcessingError("No uppercase text available".to_string()).into()

    async fn exec(&self, input: Self::PrepOutput) -> Result<Self::ExecOutput, FloxideError> {

    async fn post(&self, count: Self::ExecOutput) -> Result<DefaultAction, FloxideError> {

// Node that generates a summary
struct SummaryNode;

impl LifecycleNode<TextContext, DefaultAction> for SummaryNode {
    type PrepOutput = (String, usize);
    type ExecOutput = String;

    fn id(&self) -> NodeId {

    async fn prep(&self, ctx: &mut TextContext) -> Result<Self::PrepOutput, FloxideError> {
        let text = ctx.uppercase.clone().ok_or_else(|| 
            TextProcessingError::ProcessingError("No uppercase text available".to_string())
        let count = ctx.char_count.ok_or_else(|| 
            TextProcessingError::ProcessingError("No character count available".to_string())
        Ok((text, count))

    async fn exec(&self, (text, count): Self::PrepOutput) -> Result<Self::ExecOutput, FloxideError> {
        Ok(format!("Processed text with {} characters: {}", count, text))

    async fn post(&self, summary: Self::ExecOutput) -> Result<DefaultAction, FloxideError> {

// Helper function that could fail
fn try_uppercase(input: &str) -> Result<String, TextProcessingError> {
    // Simulate potential failures
    if rand::random::<f32>() < 0.2 {
        return Err(TextProcessingError::ProcessingError(
            "Random processing failure".to_string()

Now let's create and run the workflow:

use floxide_core::Workflow;

async fn main() -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
    // Initialize tracing

    // Create context
    let mut context = TextContext::new("Hello, Floxide!");

    // Create nodes
    let validator = ValidatorNode { max_length: 100 };
    let uppercase = UppercaseNode { retry_count: 3 };
    let counter = CounterNode;
    let summary = SummaryNode;

    // Create workflow
    let mut workflow = Workflow::new(validator)

    // Run workflow
    match context).await {
        Ok(_) => {
            println!("Workflow completed successfully!");
            println!("Summary: {}", context.summary.unwrap_or_default());
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Workflow failed: {}", e);

Key Concepts Demonstrated

  1. Node Lifecycle
  2. Preparation phase for validation and setup
  3. Execution phase with retry logic
  4. Post-processing phase for routing decisions

  5. Error Handling

  6. Custom error types
  7. Proper error propagation
  8. Retry mechanisms for transient failures

  9. Type Safety

  10. Strongly typed context
  11. Type-safe node outputs
  12. Safe error handling

  13. Best Practices

  14. Clear separation of concerns
  15. Proper logging and observability
  16. Resource cleanup
  17. Error recovery strategies

Next Steps

  1. Explore more complex workflow patterns in the Workflow Patterns guide
  2. Learn about error handling in the Error Handling Guide
  3. Check out the Event-Driven Workflow example for handling events
  4. See the Batch Processing example for handling collections of items