Project Structure

This document describes the overall structure of the Floxide framework codebase.

Workspace Organization

The Floxide framework is organized as a Cargo workspace with multiple crates, each with a specific responsibility:

├── Cargo.toml              # Workspace definition
├── floxide-core/            # Core abstractions and interfaces
├── floxide-transform/       # Functional transformation capabilities
├── floxide-event/           # Event-driven workflow support
├── floxide-timer/           # Timer and scheduling functionality
├── floxide-reactive/        # Reactive programming patterns
├── floxide-longrunning/     # Long-running task support
├── floxide-async/           # (Deprecated) Alias for floxide-transform
└── docs/                   # Documentation
    ├── adrs/              # Architectural Decision Records
    ├── api/               # API Documentation
    ├── architecture/      # Architecture Documentation
    └── examples/          # Example Code

Crate Responsibilities


The floxide-core crate provides the fundamental abstractions and interfaces for the framework:

  • Node trait and lifecycle methods (prep, exec, post)
  • Context and state management
  • Workflow orchestration
  • Action types and transitions
  • Error handling with custom error types


The floxide-transform crate (formerly floxide-async) provides functional transformation capabilities:

  • Explicit input/output type transformations
  • Custom error types per transformation
  • Three-phase transformation lifecycle
  • Functional composition patterns


The floxide-event crate provides event-driven workflow support:

  • Event emission and handling
  • Event-based routing
  • Event context management
  • Pub/sub patterns


The floxide-timer crate provides timer and scheduling functionality:

  • Multiple schedule types (Once, Periodic, Cron)
  • Timer workflow composition
  • Timeout handling
  • Scheduled task orchestration


The floxide-reactive crate provides reactive programming patterns:

  • Stream-based processing
  • Backpressure handling
  • Change detection
  • Reactive node composition


The floxide-longrunning crate provides support for long-running tasks:

  • Background processing
  • Progress tracking
  • Cancellation support
  • Resource cleanup

floxide-async (Deprecated)

This crate is deprecated and exists only for backward compatibility. It re-exports everything from floxide-transform. Users should migrate to floxide-transform.

Documentation Structure

API Documentation (/docs/api/)

Detailed API documentation for each crate: - - Core abstractions and interfaces - - Reactive programming patterns - - Timer and scheduling - - Transformation patterns

Architecture Documentation (/docs/architecture/)

High-level architectural documentation: - Design decisions and patterns - Component interactions - Implementation guidelines - Performance considerations

Examples (/docs/examples/)

Comprehensive examples demonstrating framework usage: - - Core workflow concepts - - Reactive programming patterns - - Timer and scheduling - - Data transformation - - Event handling - - Long-running tasks

ADRs (/docs/adrs/)

Architectural Decision Records documenting all significant decisions: - Numbered sequentially (e.g., ADR-0001) - Each ADR covers one architectural decision - Includes context, consequences, and alternatives - Marks superseded decisions

Dependencies Between Crates

The crates have the following dependency relationships:

  • All crates depend on floxide-core
  • floxide-async depends on floxide-transform
  • Dependencies are kept minimal to allow users to include only what they need
  • Each crate can be used independently (except floxide-async)

Testing Structure

Each crate follows a consistent testing structure:

  • Unit tests in src/tests/ modules
  • Integration tests in tests/ directory
  • Example code in /docs/examples/
  • Property-based tests where appropriate

Future Development

Planned future additions: - Batch processing capabilities - Enhanced monitoring and metrics - Additional node types and patterns - Extended workflow composition features