floxide-transform API Reference

This document provides a reference for the floxide-transform crate, which extends the core Floxide framework with transformation and asynchronous capabilities.


The floxide-transform crate provides extensions to the core Floxide framework for building more complex workflows, including:

  • Asynchronous node execution
  • Transformation operations
  • Batch processing capabilities
  • Advanced workflow patterns

Core Modules

Transform Module

The Transform module provides utilities for transforming data within workflows:

use floxide_transform::transform::{TransformNode, Transformer};

// Create a transformer function
let uppercase_transformer = |input: String| -> Result<String, FloxideError> {

// Create a transform node
let transform_node = TransformNode::new(uppercase_transformer);

Async Module

The Async module provides asynchronous execution capabilities:

use floxide_transform::async_ext::{AsyncNode, AsyncFlow};
use async_trait::async_trait;

struct MyAsyncNode;

impl AsyncNode for MyAsyncNode {
    type Context = MyContext;

    async fn exec_async(&self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
        // Perform async operations

// Create an async flow
let async_flow = AsyncFlow::new(MyAsyncNode);

Batch Module

The Batch module provides utilities for batch processing:

use floxide_transform::batch::{BatchNode, BatchFlow, BatchContext};

struct MyBatchNode;

impl Node for MyBatchNode {
    type Context = MyBatchContext;

    fn exec(&self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
        // Process a single item

impl BatchNode<MyItem> for MyBatchNode {}

// Create a batch flow with concurrency limit of 4
let batch_flow = BatchFlow::new(MyBatchNode, 4);

Key Types


A node that applies a transformation function to input data:

pub struct TransformNode<F, I, O>
    F: Fn(I) -> Result<O, FloxideError> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    I: Send + 'static,
    O: Send + 'static,
    transformer: F,
    _phantom: PhantomData<(I, O)>,

impl<F, I, O> TransformNode<F, I, O>
    F: Fn(I) -> Result<O, FloxideError> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    I: Send + 'static,
    O: Send + 'static,
    pub fn new(transformer: F) -> Self {
        Self {
            _phantom: PhantomData,


A wrapper for executing nodes asynchronously:

pub struct AsyncFlow<N>
    N: AsyncNode,
    node: N,

impl<N> AsyncFlow<N>
    N: AsyncNode,
    pub fn new(node: N) -> Self {
        Self { node }

    pub async fn execute(&self, mut ctx: N::Context) -> Result<N::Context, FloxideError> {
        self.node.exec_async(&mut ctx).await?;


A wrapper for executing batch processing nodes:

pub struct BatchFlow<T, N>
    N: BatchNode<T>,
    node: N,
    concurrency: usize,
    _phantom: PhantomData<T>,

impl<T, N> BatchFlow<T, N>
    N: BatchNode<T>,
    pub fn new(node: N, concurrency: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            _phantom: PhantomData,

    pub fn execute<C>(&self, mut context: C) -> Result<C, FloxideError>
        C: BatchContext<T>,
        self.node.process_batch(&mut context, self.concurrency)?;

Usage Examples

Basic Transformation

use floxide_core::prelude::*;
use floxide_transform::prelude::*;

// Define a state type
struct MyState {
    value: String,

// Create a context
let state = MyState { value: "hello".to_string() };
let mut context = Context::new(state);

// Create a transform node
let transform_node = TransformNode::new(|state: &mut MyState| -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
    state.value = state.value.to_uppercase();

// Execute the node
transform_node.exec(&mut context)?;

// Check the result
assert_eq!(context.state().value, "HELLO");

Async Execution

use floxide_core::prelude::*;
use floxide_transform::prelude::*;
use async_trait::async_trait;

// Define an async node
struct DelayedTransformNode;

impl AsyncNode for DelayedTransformNode {
    type Context = Context<MyState>;

    async fn exec_async(&self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
        // Simulate a delay

        // Transform the state
        ctx.state_mut().value = ctx.state().value.to_uppercase();


// Create and execute the async flow
async fn main() -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
    let state = MyState { value: "hello".to_string() };
    let context = Context::new(state);

    let async_flow = AsyncFlow::new(DelayedTransformNode);
    let result_context = async_flow.execute(context).await?;

    assert_eq!(result_context.state().value, "HELLO");


Best Practices

When using the floxide-transform crate, consider these best practices:

  1. Use Appropriate Concurrency Limits: Set batch processing concurrency limits based on your system's capabilities.
  2. Handle Async Errors: Properly handle errors in async code using the ? operator or explicit error handling.
  3. Compose Transformations: Chain multiple transform nodes for complex data transformations.
  4. Leverage Type Safety: Use Rust's type system to ensure type safety in transformations.
  5. Consider Resource Usage: Be mindful of resource usage in batch processing operations.