floxide-event API Reference

This document provides a reference for the floxide-event crate, which extends the Floxide framework with event-driven capabilities.


The floxide-event crate provides extensions to the core Floxide framework for building event-driven workflows, including:

  • Event-driven node abstractions
  • Event source implementations
  • Event-driven workflow orchestration
  • Integration with standard workflows

Core Modules

Event Module

The Event module provides the core event abstractions:

use floxide_event::event::{Event, EventAction};

// Define a custom event type
struct SensorEvent {
    id: String,
    value: f64,

// Implement the Event trait
impl Event for SensorEvent {}

EventDrivenNode Module

The EventDrivenNode module provides the core node abstractions for event-driven workflows:

use floxide_event::node::{EventDrivenNode, NodeId};
use async_trait::async_trait;

struct MyEventNode {
    id: NodeId,

impl EventDrivenNode<SensorEvent> for MyEventNode {
    fn id(&self) -> NodeId {

    async fn wait_for_event(&self) -> Result<SensorEvent, FloxideError> {
        // Wait for an event
        // ...

    async fn process_event(&self, event: SensorEvent) -> Result<EventAction<SensorEvent>, FloxideError> {
        // Process the event
        // ...
        Ok(EventAction::Route("next_node".to_string(), event))

EventSource Module

The EventSource module provides abstractions and implementations for event sources:

use floxide_event::source::{EventSource, ChannelEventSource};
use tokio::sync::mpsc;

// Create a channel-based event source
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<SensorEvent>(100);
let source = ChannelEventSource::new(rx);

// Send an event
tx.send(SensorEvent { id: "sensor1".to_string(), value: 42.0 }).await?;

Workflow Module

The Workflow module provides the event-driven workflow orchestration:

use floxide_event::workflow::EventDrivenWorkflow;

// Create an event-driven workflow
let mut workflow = EventDrivenWorkflow::<SensorEvent>::new();

// Add nodes and configure routes
let node_id = workflow.add_node(MyEventNode { id: NodeId::new() });
workflow.set_route("next_node", node_id); // Loop back to the same node

// Run the workflow

Key Types

Event Trait

The core trait for event types:

pub trait Event: Clone + Send + 'static {}

EventDrivenNode Trait

The core trait for event-driven nodes:

pub trait EventDrivenNode<E>: Send + Sync + 'static
    E: Event + Send + 'static,
    /// Get the node's unique identifier
    fn id(&self) -> NodeId;

    /// Wait for an event to arrive
    async fn wait_for_event(&self) -> Result<E, FloxideError>;

    /// Process an event and return an action
    async fn process_event(&self, event: E) -> Result<EventAction<E>, FloxideError>;

EventSource Trait

The core trait for event sources:

pub trait EventSource<E>: Send + Sync + 'static
    E: Event + Send + 'static,
    /// Get the next event from the source
    async fn next_event(&self) -> Result<E, FloxideError>;

    /// Check if the source has more events
    async fn has_more_events(&self) -> Result<bool, FloxideError>;

EventAction Enum

The action returned by event-driven nodes:

pub enum EventAction<E>
    E: Event + Send + 'static,
    /// Route the event to another node
    Route(String, E),

    /// Terminate the workflow


The workflow orchestrator for event-driven nodes:

pub struct EventDrivenWorkflow<E>
    E: Event + Send + Clone + 'static,
    nodes: HashMap<NodeId, Box<dyn EventDrivenNode<E>>>,
    routes: HashMap<String, NodeId>,
    initial_node: NodeId,
    timeout: Option<Duration>,

Usage Examples

Basic Event-Driven Workflow

use floxide_core::prelude::*;
use floxide_event::prelude::*;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;

// Define an event type
struct SensorEvent {
    id: String,
    value: f64,

impl Event for SensorEvent {}

// Create an event source
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<SensorEvent>(100);
let source = Arc::new(ChannelEventSource::new(rx));

// Create an event-driven node
struct SensorNode {
    id: NodeId,
    source: Arc<dyn EventSource<SensorEvent>>,

impl EventDrivenNode<SensorEvent> for SensorNode {
    fn id(&self) -> NodeId {

    async fn wait_for_event(&self) -> Result<SensorEvent, FloxideError> {

    async fn process_event(&self, event: SensorEvent) -> Result<EventAction<SensorEvent>, FloxideError> {
        println!("Sensor {}: {}", event.id, event.value);

        if event.value > 100.0 {
        } else {
            Ok(EventAction::Route("self".to_string(), event))

// Create and run the workflow
async fn main() -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
    let mut workflow = EventDrivenWorkflow::<SensorEvent>::new();

    let node = SensorNode {
        id: NodeId::new(),
        source: Arc::clone(&source),

    let node_id = workflow.add_node(node);
    workflow.set_route("self", node_id);

    // Run the workflow in a separate task
    let workflow_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {

    // Send events
    tx.send(SensorEvent { id: "sensor1".to_string(), value: 42.0 }).await?;
    tx.send(SensorEvent { id: "sensor1".to_string(), value: 75.0 }).await?;
    tx.send(SensorEvent { id: "sensor1".to_string(), value: 120.0 }).await?;

    // Wait for the workflow to complete


Integration with Standard Workflows

use floxide_core::prelude::*;
use floxide_event::prelude::*;
use floxide_event::adapter::EventDrivenNodeAdapter;

// Create an event-driven node adapter
let event_node = SensorNode {
    id: NodeId::new(),
    source: Arc::clone(&source),

let adapter = EventDrivenNodeAdapter::new(event_node);

// Use the adapter in a standard workflow
let mut workflow = Workflow::new();
workflow.add_node("event_node", adapter);

// Run the standard workflow
workflow.run(&mut context).await?;

Best Practices

When using the floxide-event crate, consider these best practices:

  1. Event Design: Design event types to be small, focused, and immutable.
  2. Error Handling: Properly handle errors in event processing, especially for external event sources.
  3. Timeouts: Use timeouts to prevent workflows from hanging indefinitely.
  4. Resource Management: Ensure event sources are properly closed when no longer needed.
  5. Backpressure: Implement backpressure mechanisms for high-volume event sources.