floxide-batch API Reference

The floxide-batch crate provides batch processing capabilities for the Floxide framework.


This crate implements batch processing patterns for handling collections of items in parallel. It provides:

  • Batch nodes for processing collections
  • Configurable concurrency limits
  • Progress tracking
  • Error handling for batch operations

Key Types


pub trait BatchNode<I, O>: Send + Sync {
    async fn process_batch(&self, items: Vec<I>) -> Result<Vec<O>, FloxideError>;
    fn concurrency_limit(&self) -> usize;

The BatchNode trait defines the core interface for batch processing nodes.


pub struct BatchContext<T> {
    items: Vec<T>,
    results: Vec<T>,
    errors: Vec<FloxideError>,
    progress: Progress,

BatchContext holds the state of a batch processing operation.


pub struct BatchOptions {
    pub concurrency_limit: usize,
    pub chunk_size: usize,
    pub retry_count: usize,
    pub backoff_duration: Duration,

BatchOptions configures the behavior of batch processing.

Usage Example

use floxide_batch::{batch_node, BatchNode, BatchContext};

// Create a batch processing node
fn create_batch_processor() -> impl BatchNode<String, String> {
        10, // Concurrency limit
        |item: String| async move {

// Use the node in a workflow
let node = create_batch_processor();
let mut context = BatchContext::new(vec![

let result = node.process_batch(context.items).await?;
println!("Processed items: {:?}", result);

Advanced Features

Chunked Processing

let node = batch_node(5, process_item)
    .with_chunk_size(100) // Process in chunks of 100 items
    .with_progress_callback(|progress| {
        println!("Progress: {}%", progress.percent);

Error Handling

let node = batch_node(5, process_item)
    .with_retry(3) // Retry failed items up to 3 times
    .with_backoff(Duration::from_secs(1)) // Wait between retries
    .with_error_handler(|e| {
        eprintln!("Processing error: {}", e);
        None // Skip failed items

Custom Batch Processing

struct CustomBatchProcessor;

impl BatchNode<String, String> for CustomBatchProcessor {
    async fn process_batch(&self, items: Vec<String>) -> Result<Vec<String>, FloxideError> {
        let mut results = Vec::with_capacity(items.len());
        for item in items {

    fn concurrency_limit(&self) -> usize {

Error Handling

The crate uses the standard FloxideError type for error handling. All operations that can fail return a Result<T, FloxideError>.

Best Practices

  1. Choose appropriate concurrency limits based on:
  2. System resources
  3. External service limits
  4. Data characteristics

  5. Implement proper error handling:

  6. Retry transient failures
  7. Log permanent failures
  8. Clean up resources

  9. Monitor batch processing:

  10. Track progress
  11. Log performance metrics
  12. Handle resource constraints

  13. Consider chunking for large datasets:

  14. Balance memory usage
  15. Maintain responsiveness
  16. Handle partial failures

See Also