ADR-0015: Node Abstraction Hierarchy






The Floxide framework provides multiple node abstractions to support different programming models and use cases:

  1. The base Node trait with a single process method
  2. The LifecycleNode trait with the prep/exec/post lifecycle
  3. A planned AsyncNode trait for async-specific workflows

This creates confusion about which abstraction to use when implementing workflow nodes. The README currently shows an example using an AsyncNode trait that doesn't match the actual implementation, while the examples use the base Node trait directly.

We need to clarify the relationship between these abstractions, their intended use cases, and provide clear guidance on when to use each approach.


We will establish a clear hierarchy of node abstractions with well-defined relationships:

1. Base Node Trait

The Node trait will remain the core abstraction that all workflow nodes must implement:

pub trait Node<Context, Action>: Send + Sync
    Context: Send + Sync + 'static,
    Action: ActionType + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Self::Output: Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// The output type produced by this node
    type Output;

    /// Get the unique identifier for this node
    fn id(&self) -> NodeId;

    /// Process the node asynchronously
    async fn process(
        ctx: &mut Context,
    ) -> Result<NodeOutcome<Self::Output, Action>, FloxideError>;

This trait is the foundation of the workflow system and is used by the Workflow struct to execute nodes.

2. LifecycleNode Trait

The LifecycleNode trait provides a more structured approach with three distinct phases:

pub trait LifecycleNode<Context, Action>: Send + Sync
    Context: Send + Sync + 'static,
    Action: ActionType + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Self::PrepOutput: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Self::ExecOutput: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Output type from the preparation phase
    type PrepOutput;

    /// Output type from the execution phase
    type ExecOutput;

    /// Get the node's unique identifier
    fn id(&self) -> NodeId;

    /// Preparation phase - perform setup and validation
    async fn prep(&self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<Self::PrepOutput, FloxideError>;

    /// Execution phase - perform the main work
    async fn exec(&self, prep_result: Self::PrepOutput) -> Result<Self::ExecOutput, FloxideError>;

    /// Post-execution phase - determine the next action and update context
    async fn post(
        prep_result: Self::PrepOutput,
        exec_result: Self::ExecOutput,
        ctx: &mut Context,
    ) -> Result<Action, FloxideError>;

The LifecycleNode trait is adapted to the base Node trait using the LifecycleNodeAdapter struct, which implements the process method by calling the three lifecycle methods in sequence.

3. TransformNode Trait (Formerly AsyncNode)

As detailed in ADR-0016: TransformNode Renaming and Async Extension Patterns, we will rename the AsyncNode trait to TransformNode to better reflect its actual purpose - providing a functional transformation interface:

pub trait TransformNode<Input, Output, Error>: Send + Sync
    Input: Send + 'static,
    Output: Send + 'static,
    Error: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Preparation phase
    async fn prep(&self, input: Input) -> Result<Input, Error>;

    /// Execution phase
    async fn exec(&self, input: Input) -> Result<Output, Error>;

    /// Post-execution phase
    async fn post(&self, output: Output) -> Result<Output, Error>;

This trait will be adapted to the LifecycleNode trait, which in turn adapts to the base Node trait.

Adapter Pattern

We will use the adapter pattern to convert between these abstractions:

  1. LifecycleNodeAdapter: Converts a LifecycleNode to a Node
  2. TransformNodeAdapter (formerly AsyncNodeAdapter): Converts a TransformNode to a LifecycleNode

This approach allows users to choose the abstraction that best fits their use case while maintaining compatibility with the core workflow system.

Usage Guidelines

We will provide clear guidelines on when to use each abstraction:

  1. Base Node: Use when you need complete control over the node execution process or when implementing custom node types that don't fit the lifecycle pattern.

  2. LifecycleNode: Use for most workflow nodes that benefit from the clear separation of concerns provided by the prep/exec/post lifecycle.

  3. TransformNode: Use for simple transformations where the input and output types are known and consistent, and you prefer a functional programming style.



  1. Clear Hierarchy: Establishes a clear relationship between the different node abstractions
  2. Flexibility: Allows users to choose the abstraction that best fits their use case
  3. Compatibility: Maintains compatibility with existing code through the adapter pattern
  4. Separation of Concerns: The lifecycle pattern provides clear separation of concerns for node implementation


  1. Complexity: Multiple abstractions increase the learning curve for new users
  2. Adapter Overhead: The adapter pattern introduces some runtime overhead
  3. Documentation Burden: Requires clear documentation to explain the different abstractions

Migration Path

Existing code using the base Node trait can continue to work without changes. For new code, we recommend:

  1. Use the LifecycleNode trait for most workflow nodes
  2. Use the base Node trait for custom node types that don't fit the lifecycle pattern
  3. Use the TransformNode trait for simple transformations (previously called AsyncNode)

Alternatives Considered

1. Single Node Trait

We considered having a single Node trait with optional lifecycle methods, but this would make the API less clear and harder to implement correctly.

2. Complete Replacement

We considered completely replacing the base Node trait with the LifecycleNode trait, but this would break compatibility with existing code.

3. Macro-Based Approach

We evaluated using macros to generate the appropriate trait implementations, but this would make the code harder to understand and debug.

Implementation Notes

  • The LifecycleNode trait requires prep/exec outputs to implement Clone for simplicity
  • The adapter automatically converts to NodeOutcome::RouteToAction
  • Unit tests verify the full lifecycle and error propagation between phases
