ADR-0006: Workflow Observability






Observability is crucial for workflow systems, especially for complex workflows or in production environments. Users need visibility into:

  1. What is happening during workflow execution
  2. Where a workflow is in its execution lifecycle
  3. How long individual steps are taking
  4. What errors occurred and why
  5. The overall performance characteristics of workflows

A comprehensive observability system is essential for:

  • Debugging workflow issues
  • Monitoring production workflows
  • Understanding performance bottlenecks
  • Auditing workflow execution
  • Visualizing workflow execution
  • Alerting on workflow failures or delays


We will implement an observability system for the floxide framework with OpenTelemetry as the primary integration point, complemented by additional observability mechanisms.

1. OpenTelemetry as Primary Observability Solution

OpenTelemetry will be the main framework for observability:

/// Core OpenTelemetry integration for the floxide framework
pub struct FloxideOtel {
    tracer: opentelemetry::trace::Tracer,
    meter: opentelemetry::metrics::Meter,
    attributes: HashMap<String, String>,

impl FloxideOtel {
    /// Create a new OpenTelemetry integration with the default configuration
    pub fn new(service_name: &str) -> Result<Self, FloxideError> {
        // Set up OpenTelemetry with appropriate exporters
        let tracer_provider = opentelemetry_sdk::trace::TracerProvider::builder()

        let tracer = tracer_provider.tracer(service_name);

        let meter_provider = opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::MeterProvider::builder()

        let meter = meter_provider.meter(service_name);

        Ok(Self {
            attributes: HashMap::new(),

    /// Add a common attribute to all spans and metrics
    pub fn with_attribute(mut self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Self {
        self.attributes.insert(key.to_string(), value.to_string());

2. Event Emission System

The core of our observability design will be event emission that integrates with OpenTelemetry:

/// Events emitted during workflow execution
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum WorkflowEvent<C, A = DefaultAction>
    C: 'static,
    A: ActionType,
    /// Workflow execution started
    WorkflowStarted {
        workflow_id: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Workflow execution completed
    WorkflowCompleted {
        workflow_id: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        execution_time_ms: u64,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Workflow execution failed
    WorkflowFailed {
        workflow_id: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        error: FloxideError,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Node processing started
    NodeStarted {
        workflow_id: String,
        node_id: NodeId,
        node_type: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Node processing completed
    NodeCompleted {
        workflow_id: String,
        node_id: NodeId,
        node_type: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        execution_time_ms: u64,
        outcome: NodeOutcomeType<A>,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Node processing failed
    NodeFailed {
        workflow_id: String,
        node_id: NodeId,
        node_type: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        error: FloxideError,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Transition between nodes
    Transition {
        workflow_id: String,
        from_node_id: NodeId,
        to_node_id: NodeId,
        action: A,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Retry attempt occurred
    RetryAttempt {
        workflow_id: String,
        node_id: NodeId,
        attempt_number: usize,
        reason: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        backoff_ms: u64,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Checkpoint created
    CheckpointCreated {
        workflow_id: String,
        checkpoint_id: String,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

    /// Custom application event
    Custom {
        workflow_id: String,
        event_type: String,
        payload: Value,
        timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
        metadata: HashMap<String, String>,

/// Type of node outcome for events (without the actual output value)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum NodeOutcomeType<A>
    A: ActionType,
    /// Node completed
    /// Node transitioned with the specified action

3. OpenTelemetry Observer Implementation

The primary observer implementation will use OpenTelemetry:

/// Observer that emits events to OpenTelemetry
pub struct OpenTelemetryObserver {
    otel: FloxideOtel,

impl OpenTelemetryObserver {
    /// Create a new OpenTelemetry observer
    pub fn new(otel: FloxideOtel) -> Self {
        Self { otel }

impl<C, A> WorkflowObserver<C, A> for OpenTelemetryObserver
    C: 'static,
    A: ActionType,
    async fn on_event(&self, event: WorkflowEvent<C, A>) -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
        match &event {
            WorkflowEvent::WorkflowStarted { workflow_id, metadata, .. } => {
                let mut span = self.otel.tracer
                    .span_builder(format!("workflow:{}", workflow_id))

                for (key, value) in metadata {
                    span.set_attribute(KeyValue::new(key.clone(), value.clone()));

                // Set workflow ID as a global context for child spans
                let cx = Context::current_with_span(span);

            // Handle other event types with appropriate spans and metrics
            // ...


4. Additional Observer Implementations

We'll also provide complementary observers for specific use cases:

/// Observer that logs events using the tracing crate
pub struct TracingObserver {
    min_level: Level,

/// In-memory observer for testing or UI visualization
pub struct InMemoryObserver {
    events: RwLock<Vec<WorkflowEvent>>,
    max_events: usize,

/// Observer that publishes events to a channel
pub struct ChannelObserver<C, A = DefaultAction>
    C: 'static,
    A: ActionType,
    sender: mpsc::Sender<WorkflowEvent<C, A>>,

5. Observer Registry with OpenTelemetry Default

The workflow will have a registry of observers with OpenTelemetry as the default:

impl<C, A> Workflow<C, A>
    C: 'static,
    A: ActionType,
    /// Add OpenTelemetry observability to this workflow
    pub fn with_opentelemetry(mut self, service_name: &str) -> Result<Self, FloxideError> {
        let otel = FloxideOtel::new(service_name)?;

    /// Add a custom observer to this workflow
    pub fn add_observer<O>(&mut self, observer: O) -> &mut Self
        O: WorkflowObserver<C, A> + 'static,

6. Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry

We'll implement specific tracing support for workflow execution:

impl<C, A> Workflow<C, A>
    C: 'static,
    A: ActionType,
    async fn execute_with_tracing(&self, ctx: &mut C) -> Result<(), FloxideError> {
        // Create a workflow execution span
        let tracer = opentelemetry::global::tracer("floxide");
        let workflow_span = tracer.start(format!("workflow:{}",;
        let cx = Context::current_with_span(workflow_span);

        // Set the current context for propagation
        let _guard = cx.attach();

        let start = Instant::now();

        for observer in &self.observers {
            observer.on_start(self, ctx).await?;

        let result = self.execute_internal(ctx).await;

        let execution_time = start.elapsed().as_millis() as u64;

        // Record metrics
        let meter = opentelemetry::global::meter("floxide");
        let workflow_duration = meter
            .with_description("Workflow execution duration in milliseconds")

            execution_time as f64,

        match &result {
            Ok(_) => {
                for observer in &self.observers {
                    observer.on_complete(self, execution_time).await?;
            Err(err) => {
                for observer in &self.observers {
                    observer.on_failure(self, err).await?;


7. OpenTelemetry-Based Visualization

We'll leverage OpenTelemetry for visualization capabilities:

/// Generate a visualization of workflow execution using OpenTelemetry spans
pub async fn generate_workflow_visualization(
    workflow_id: &str,
    trace_exporter_endpoint: &str,
) -> Result<String, FloxideError> {
    // Query OpenTelemetry backend for the trace data
    // and generate visualization
    // ...

8. Context-Aware Logging with OpenTelemetry Integration

We'll enhance nodes with OpenTelemetry-integrated logging capabilities:

/// Extension trait for context to add observability capabilities
pub trait ObservableContext {
    /// Get a context identifier for observability
    fn context_id(&self) -> String;

    /// Get additional context attributes for OpenTelemetry
    fn otel_attributes(&self) -> HashMap<String, String> {

/// OpenTelemetry instrumentation for nodes
impl<Context, A> Node<Context, A>
for OtelNodeWrapper<N, Context, A>
    N: Node<Context, A>,
    Context: ObservableContext,
    A: ActionType,
    type Output = N::Output;

    async fn process(&self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<NodeOutcome<Self::Output, A>, FloxideError> {
        let context_id = ctx.context_id();
        let attributes = ctx.otel_attributes();

        let tracer = opentelemetry::global::tracer("floxide");
        let mut span_builder = tracer.span_builder(format!("node:{}", self.node_type));

        // Add attributes to the span
        for (key, value) in &attributes {
            span_builder = span_builder.with_attribute(KeyValue::new(key.clone(), value.clone()));

        span_builder = span_builder.with_attribute(KeyValue::new("context_id", context_id.clone()));
        span_builder = span_builder.with_attribute(KeyValue::new("node_type", self.node_type.clone()));

        let span = span_builder.start(&tracer);
        let cx = Context::current_with_span(span);
        let _guard = cx.attach();

        let start = Instant::now();
        let result = self.inner.process(ctx).await;
        let duration = start.elapsed();

        // Record node execution metrics
        let meter = opentelemetry::global::meter("floxide");
        let node_duration = meter
            .with_description("Node execution duration in milliseconds")

            duration.as_millis() as f64,
            &[KeyValue::new("node_type", self.node_type.clone())],

        match &result {
            Ok(outcome) => {
                let outcome_type = match outcome {
                    NodeOutcome::Complete(_) => "complete",
                    NodeOutcome::Transition(action, _) => {
                        span.set_attribute(KeyValue::new("transition_action", format!("{:?}", action)));

                span.set_attribute(KeyValue::new("outcome", outcome_type.to_string()));
                span.set_attribute(KeyValue::new("duration_ms", duration.as_millis() as i64));
            Err(err) => {
                span.set_attribute(KeyValue::new("duration_ms", duration.as_millis() as i64));




  1. Complete Observability: OpenTelemetry provides a comprehensive solution for traces, metrics, and logs
  2. Standard Integration: Follows industry standards for observability
  3. Ecosystem Compatibility: OpenTelemetry supports many backends (Jaeger, Prometheus, etc.)
  4. Distributed Tracing: Built-in support for tracing across service boundaries
  5. Minimal Overhead: OpenTelemetry is designed for production use with minimal impact
  6. Visualization Options: Can leverage existing OpenTelemetry visualization tools
  7. Context Propagation: Supports propagating context across async boundaries


  1. Dependency Size: OpenTelemetry adds significant dependencies to the project
  2. Configuration Complexity: Properly configuring OpenTelemetry requires additional expertise
  3. Learning Curve: Using OpenTelemetry effectively requires understanding its concepts
  4. Backend Requirements: Requires setting up and maintaining OpenTelemetry backends
  5. Additional Resource Usage: Collecting and exporting telemetry data uses system resources

Alternatives Considered

1. Simple Logging Approach

  • Pros:
  • Simpler implementation
  • Fewer dependencies
  • Cons:
  • Limited visibility into workflow execution
  • No standardized way to analyze the data
  • No metrics collection

2. Custom Metrics Solution

  • Pros:
  • Could be more tailored to workflow-specific needs
  • Potentially lower overhead for specific metrics
  • Cons:
  • Would require maintaining a custom solution
  • No standardized integration with other systems
  • Limited ecosystem tools

3. Multiple Separate Systems (logs, metrics, traces)

  • Pros:
  • Could choose best-of-breed for each concern
  • More flexibility in implementation
  • Cons:
  • No unified observability model
  • More complex integration points
  • Harder to correlate data across systems

4. No Built-in Observability

  • Pros:
  • Simpler framework
  • Lower dependency footprint
  • Cons:
  • Users would need to implement their own solutions
  • Inconsistent observability implementations
  • Poor developer experience

We chose OpenTelemetry as our primary observability solution because it provides a comprehensive, standards-based approach to observability that covers traces, metrics, and logs. It offers excellent ecosystem compatibility while maintaining reasonable performance characteristics. The event-based observer pattern allows us to integrate OpenTelemetry seamlessly while still supporting additional observability mechanisms for specific use cases.