Architectural Decision Records (ADRs)

This directory contains the Architectural Decision Records (ADRs) for the floxide framework. ADRs document significant architectural decisions, their context, and their consequences.

Index of ADRs

ADR Title Status Date Summary
ADR-0032 Project Rebranding to Floxide Accepted 2025-02-26 Documents the rebranding from floxide to floxide and its implications
ADR-0007 Batch Processing Implementation Accepted 2024-02-25 Defines the approach for parallel batch processing using Tokio tasks and semaphores
ADR-0008 Node Lifecycle Methods Accepted 2024-02-25 Defines the three-phase lifecycle (prep/exec/post) for nodes and adapter patterns
ADR-0009 Cloneable Types for Batch Processing Accepted 2024-02-25 Requires item types in batch processing to implement Clone
ADR-0010 Workflow Cloning Strategy Accepted 2024-02-25 Defines an approach for cloning workflows using Arc
ADR-0011 Closure Lifetime Management in Async Contexts Accepted 2024-02-25 Outlines strategies for managing lifetimes in async closures
ADR-0012 Testing Patterns for Async Node Implementations Accepted 2024-02-26 Defines patterns for testing async code with concrete trait implementations
ADR-0013 Workflow Patterns Accepted 2024-02-25 Documents the eight core workflow patterns supported by the framework
ADR-0014 Crate Publishing and CI/CD Setup Accepted 2024-02-25 Defines the approach for publishing crates and setting up CI/CD pipelines
ADR-0015 Batch Processing Examples and Best Practices Accepted 2024-02-25 Documents concrete patterns and best practices for implementing batch processing
ADR-0026 Documentation Deployment Strategy Accepted 2024-02-25 Defines the approach for deploying documentation to GitHub Pages
ADR-0027 GitHub Actions Workflow Permissions Accepted 2024-02-25 Defines the permission requirements for GitHub Actions workflows

How to Create a New ADR

  1. Copy the template from to where #### is the next available number
  2. Fill in the sections: Status, Context, Decision, Consequences, etc.
  3. Add the new ADR to the index table above
  4. Submit the ADR for review before implementing significant changes

ADR Format

Each ADR follows this structure:

  • Title: Clear, descriptive title prefixed with the ADR number
  • Status: Proposed, Accepted, Deprecated, or Superseded
  • Date: When the ADR was created
  • Context: Problem description and background information
  • Decision: The solution that addresses the context
  • Consequences: Positive and negative effects of the decision
  • Alternatives Considered: Other approaches that were evaluated
  • Implementation Notes: Practical guidance for implementers

ADR Process

  1. Proposal: Create a new ADR describing the architectural change
  2. Discussion: Review the ADR with the team
  3. Acceptance: Mark as Accepted once consensus is reached
  4. Implementation: Build according to the accepted ADR
  5. Maintenance: Update the ADR if understanding evolves


These ADRs document the key architectural decisions made during the development of the floxide framework. Each ADR provides context, the decision made, consequences, and alternatives considered.


  1. ADR-0001: ADR Process and Format

  2. Establishes the format and process for creating and maintaining ADRs

  3. Serves as a template for all future ADRs

  4. ADR-0002: Project Structure and Crate Organization (Accepted)

  5. Defines the Cargo workspace structure

  6. Establishes crate boundaries and relationships

  7. ADR-0003: Core Framework Abstractions (Accepted)

  8. Documents the core traits and structs that form the framework's foundation

  9. Defines the Node trait with a single process method
  10. Establishes ActionType as a trait for user-defined action types
  11. Provides a practical example of using type-safe action types in a workflow

  12. ADR-0004: Async Runtime Selection (Accepted)

  13. Justifies the selection of Tokio with full features

  14. Documents the use of async_trait for trait methods
  15. Establishes patterns for async execution

  16. ADR-0005: State Serialization and Deserialization (Accepted)

  17. Defines how workflow state is serialized for persistence and restoration

  18. Establishes storage abstractions for workflow snapshots
  19. Provides mechanisms for workflow checkpointing and resumption

  20. ADR-0006: Workflow Observability (Accepted)

  21. Adopts OpenTelemetry as the primary observability solution

  22. Designs an event-based system integrated with OpenTelemetry traces and metrics
  23. Provides tools for debugging, monitoring, and visualizing workflow execution

  24. ADR-0007: Batch Processing Implementation (Accepted)

  25. Defines the approach for parallel batch processing using Tokio tasks and semaphores

  26. Establishes patterns for handling multiple contexts concurrently

  27. ADR-0008: Node Lifecycle Methods (Accepted)

  28. Defines the three-phase lifecycle (prep/exec/post) for nodes

  29. Establishes adapter patterns for implementing lifecycle methods

  30. ADR-0009: Cloneable Types for Batch Processing (Accepted)

  31. Requires item types in batch processing to implement Clone

  32. Defines strategies for handling non-cloneable types

  33. ADR-0010: Workflow Cloning Strategy (Accepted)

    • Defines an approach for cloning workflows using Arc
    • Establishes patterns for sharing workflow definitions
  34. ADR-0011: Closure Lifetime Management (Accepted)

    • Outlines strategies for managing lifetimes in async closures
    • Provides solutions for common lifetime issues in async contexts
  35. ADR-0012: Testing Patterns for Async Node Implementations (Accepted)

    • Defines patterns for testing async code with concrete trait implementations
    • Establishes best practices for unit and integration testing
  36. ADR-0013: Workflow Patterns (Accepted)

    • Documents the eight core workflow patterns supported by the framework
    • Defines implementation approaches for each pattern
    • Provides examples and use cases for each pattern type
  37. ADR-0014: Crate Publishing and CI/CD Setup (Accepted)

    • Defines the approach for publishing crates to
    • Establishes GitHub Actions workflows for CI/CD
    • Documents versioning strategy and release automation
  38. ADR-0015: Batch Processing Examples and Best Practices (Accepted)

    • Documents concrete patterns for batch processing implementations
    • Provides solutions for handling type parameters in generic batch processing
    • Outlines alternative approaches for simpler use cases
    • Builds on ADR-0007 with practical implementation guidance
  39. ADR-0026: Documentation Deployment Strategy (Accepted)

    • Defines the approach for deploying documentation to GitHub Pages
    • Documents the use of GitHub Actions for automated documentation deployment
    • Establishes best practices for permissions and security in deployment workflows
    • Provides guidance on setting up GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions as the source
  40. ADR-0027: GitHub Actions Workflow Permissions (Accepted)

    • Documents the permission requirements for GitHub Actions workflows
    • Addresses issues with the version bump workflow permissions
    • Establishes best practices for setting permissions in GitHub Actions workflows
    • Provides guidance on using the principle of least privilege for workflow permissions

ADR Statuses

  • Proposed: Initial draft state
  • Accepted: Approved for implementation
  • Rejected: Declined, with reasons documented
  • Superseded: Replaced by a newer ADR
  • Amended: Modified after implementation
  • Discarded: Determined to be unnecessary or redundant


Please refer to ADR-0001 for details on how ADRs are created, reviewed, and maintained in this project.


graph TD A[0001: ADR Process and Format] --> B[0002: Project Structure] A --> C[0003: Core Framework Abstractions] A --> D[0004: Async Runtime Selection] A --> E[0005: State Serialization] A --> F[0006: OpenTelemetry Observability] A --> G[0013: Workflow Patterns] A --> H[0014: Crate Publishing and CI/CD] A --> I[0026: Documentation Deployment] A --> J[0027: GitHub Actions Permissions] B --> C B --> H B --> I C --> D C --> E C --> F C --> G D --> G E -.-> F G --> F H --> I H --> J I --> J

Note: This diagram shows the dependencies between ADRs. Each subsequent ADR builds upon the decisions established in the previous ones. The dotted line indicates that the observability system can utilize the state serialization system for event persistence. The workflow patterns ADR (0013) depends on core framework abstractions (0003) and async runtime selection (0004), and influences observability (0006).